CaMykS  1.0-20231201
Variables File Reference

CaMykS global english dictionnary. More...


$this trads ['yes'] = 'Yes'
$this trads ['no'] = 'No'
$this trads ['error'] = 'Error'
$this trads ['ok'] = 'OK'
$this trads ['unavailable'] = 'Unavailable'
$this trads ['login'] = 'Login'
$this trads ['pwd'] = 'Password'
$this trads ['pwd_old'] = 'Old password'
$this trads ['pwd_new'] = 'New password'
$this trads ['confirm'] = 'Verify'
$this trads ['continue'] = 'Continue'
$this trads ['email'] = 'Email'
$this trads ['back'] = 'Back'
$this trads ['quit'] = 'Quit'
$this trads ['configuration'] = 'Setup'
$this trads ['help'] = 'Help'
$this trads ['valid'] = 'Validate'
$this trads ['plugins'] = 'Plugins'
$this trads ['plugin'] = 'Plugin'
$this trads ['pluginx'] = 'Plugin "%s"'
$this trads ['modules'] = 'Modules'
$this trads ['module'] = 'Module'
$this trads ['modulex'] = 'Module "%s"'
$this trads ['inputs'] = 'Inputs'
$this trads ['input'] = 'Input'
$this trads ['inputx'] = 'Input "%s"'
$this trads ['templates'] = 'Templates'
$this trads ['template'] = 'Template'
$this trads ['templatex'] = 'Template "%s"'
$this trads ['themes'] = 'Themes'
$this trads ['theme'] = 'Theme'
$this trads ['themex'] = 'Theme "%s"'
$this trads ['content'] = 'Content'
$this trads ['module_type_admin'] = 'Admin'
$this trads ['module_type_content'] = 'Content'
$this trads ['module_type_tool'] = 'Tool'
$this trads ['administration'] = 'Admin'
$this trads ['installation'] = 'Installation'
$this trads ['site_admin'] = '%s\'s admin section'
$this trads ['lastname'] = 'Last name'
$this trads ['firstname'] = 'First name'
$this trads ['address'] = 'Address'
$this trads ['civility'] = 'Title'
$this trads ['zipcode'] = 'Zipcode'
$this trads ['city'] = 'City'
$this trads ['country'] = 'Country'
$this trads ['title'] = 'Title'
$this trads ['subtitle'] = 'Subtitle'
$this trads ['active'] = 'Active'
$this trads ['inactive'] = 'Inactive'
$this trads ['name'] = 'Name'
$this trads ['version'] = 'Version'
$this trads ['author'] = 'Author'
$this trads ['camyks'] = 'CaMykS'
$this trads ['site'] = 'Website'
$this trads ['module_generic_help'] = 'Info'
$this trads ['read'] = 'Read'
$this trads ['write'] = 'Write'
$this trads ['configuration'] = 'Configuration'
$this trads ['shared'] = 'Shared'
$this trads ['dedicated'] = 'Dedicated'
$this trads ['type'] = 'Type'
$this trads ['properties'] = 'Properties'
$this trads ['date'] = 'Date'
$this trads ['today'] = 'Today'
$this trads ['yesterday'] = 'Yesterday'
$this trads ['tomorrow'] = 'Tomorrow'
$this trads ['dayx'] = '%s'
$this trads ['thisweek'] = 'This week'
$this trads ['lastweek'] = 'The last week'
$this trads ['thismonth'] = 'This month'
$this trads ['lastmonth'] = 'The last month'
$this trads ['thisyear'] = 'This year'
$this trads ['lastyear'] = 'The last year'
$this trads ['fromxtoy'] = 'From %s to %s'
$this trads ['fromx'] = 'From %s'
$this trads ['toy'] = ' to %s'
$this trads ['close'] = 'Close'
$this trads ['open'] = 'Open'
$this trads ['add'] = 'Add'
$this trads ['remove'] = 'Remove'
$this trads ['delete'] = 'Delete'
$this trads ['cut'] = 'Cut'
$this trads ['copy'] = 'Copy'
$this trads ['paste'] = 'Paste'
$this trads ['cancel'] = 'Cancel'
$this trads ['select'] = 'Select'
$this trads ['edit'] = 'Edit'
$this trads ['modify'] = 'Modify'
$this trads ['duplicate'] = 'Duplicate'
$this trads ['preview'] = 'Preview'
$this trads ['update'] = 'Update'
$this trads ['reset'] = 'Reset'
$this trads ['search'] = 'Search'
$this trads ['display'] = 'Display'
$this trads ['listen'] = 'Listen'
$this trads ['configure'] = 'Configure'
$this trads ['module_can_t_be_uninstalled'] = 'This module cannot be uninstalled.'
$this trads ['module_access_denied'] = 'You do not have enough permissions to access this plugin.'
$this trads ['module_page_access_denied'] = 'You do not have enough permissions to edit this page.'
$this trads ['module_action_not_allowed'] = 'You do not have enough permissions to execute this action.'
$this trads ['module_plugin_missing'] = 'This module depends on another plugin which is currently unavailable. Please refer to your administrator to active the required plugin : %s - %s.'
$this trads ['savedone'] = 'Saving in progress...'
$this trads ['savefailed'] = 'An error occurred while saving.'
$this trads ['deletedone'] = 'Deleting in progress...'
$this trads ['deletefailed'] = 'An error occurred while deleting.'
$this trads ['lang_fr'] = 'French'
$this trads ['lang_en'] = 'English'
$this trads ['lang_it'] = 'Italian'
$this trads ['lang_de'] = 'German'
$this trads ['lang_es'] = 'Spanish'
$this trads ['lang_pt'] = 'Portuguese'
$this trads ['lang_br'] = 'Brazilian portuguese'
$this trads ['imagesize'] = 'Image size'
$this trads ['file_unknownfile'] = 'Unknown file'
$this trads ['file_folder'] = 'Folder'
$this trads ['file_textfile'] = 'Text file (%s)'
$this trads ['file_imagefile'] = 'Image file (%s)'
$this trads ['file_audiofile'] = 'Audio file (%s)'
$this trads ['file_videofile'] = 'Video file (%s)'
$this trads ['file_presentationfile'] = 'Slideshow file (%s)'
$this trads ['file_diskimagefile'] = 'Disk image file (%s)'
$this trads ['file_compressedfile'] = 'Compressed file (%s)'
$this trads ['file_sourcefile'] = 'Source file (%s)'
$this trads ['file_genericfile'] = '%s File'
$this trads ['file_nofile'] = 'No file'
$this trads ['file_viewfiletype'] = 'View file %s'
$this trads ['file_filetype'] = 'File %s'
$this trads ['file_deleted'] = 'Deleted'
$this trads ['formitem_separator'] = ': '
$this trads ['formitem_name'] = 'Name: '
$this trads ['formitem_type'] = 'Type: '
$this trads ['formitem_title'] = 'Title: '
$this trads ['formitem_status'] = 'Status: '
$this trads ['formitem_date'] = 'Date: '
$this trads ['formitem_description'] = 'Description: '
$this trads ['formitem_address'] = 'Address: '
$this trads ['formitem_zipcode'] = 'Zipcode: '
$this trads ['formitem_city'] = 'City: '
$this trads ['formitem_state'] = 'State: '
$this trads ['formitem_country'] = 'Country: '
$this trads ['formitem_layout'] = 'Layout: '
$this trads ['formitem_email'] = 'Email: '
$this trads ['formitem_phone'] = 'Phone: '
$this trads ['formitem_mobile'] = 'Mobile: '
$this trads ['formitem_fax'] = 'Fax: '
$this trads ['formitem_firstname'] = 'First name: '
$this trads ['formitem_lastname'] = 'Last name: '
$this trads ['formitem_login'] = 'Login: '
$this trads ['formitem_pwd'] = 'Password: '
$this trads ['formitem_confirm'] = 'Confirm: '
$this trads ['formitem_version'] = 'Version: '
$this trads ['formitem_package'] = 'Package: '
$this trads ['formitem_author'] = 'Author: '
$this trads ['formitem_page'] = 'Page: '
$this trads ['formitem_website'] = 'Website: '
$this trads ['formitem_category'] = 'Category: '
$this trads ['formitem_company'] = 'Company: '
$this trads ['formitem_civility'] = 'Title: '
$this trads ['formtitle_properties'] = 'Properties'
$this trads ['civility_'] = ''
$this trads ['civility_mr'] = 'Mr'
$this trads ['civility_mrs'] = 'Mrs'
$this trads ['civility_ms'] = 'Ms'
$this trads ['civility_sir'] = 'Sir'
$this trads ['civility_dr'] = 'Dr'
$this trads ['civility_pr'] = 'Pr'
$this trads ['civility_me'] = ''
$this trads ['error_pluginmissing_title'] = 'A required plugin is missing.'
$this trads ['error_pluginmissing_desc'] = 'Plugin "%s" is required and missing in CaMykS installation.'
$this trads ['error_fatalerror'] = 'Fatal error'
$this trads ['error_plugin_doesnt_support_requests_desc'] = 'This plugin doesn\'t support requests.'
$this trads ['error_plugin_doesnt_support_requests_content'] = 'If the problem persists, contact the website administrator.'
$this trads ['error_plugin_doesnt_support_requests_back_title'] = 'Back to home'

Detailed Description

CaMykS global english dictionnary.

Engine / Global Dictionnary

CaMykS Team
Creation: Jun 2005
Modification: Jun 2018
This program is distributed as is - WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Variable Documentation

◆ trads [1/174]

$this trads[ 'yes'] = 'Yes'

◆ trads [2/174]

$this trads[ 'no'] = 'No'

◆ trads [3/174]

$this trads[ 'error'] = 'Error'

◆ trads [4/174]

$this trads[ 'ok'] = 'OK'

◆ trads [5/174]

$this trads[ 'unavailable'] = 'Unavailable'

◆ trads [6/174]

$this trads[ 'login'] = 'Login'

◆ trads [7/174]

$this trads[ 'pwd'] = 'Password'

◆ trads [8/174]

$this trads[ 'pwd_old'] = 'Old password'

◆ trads [9/174]

$this trads[ 'pwd_new'] = 'New password'

◆ trads [10/174]

$this trads[ 'confirm'] = 'Verify'

◆ trads [11/174]

$this trads[ 'continue'] = 'Continue'

◆ trads [12/174]

$this trads[ 'email'] = 'Email'

◆ trads [13/174]

$this trads[ 'back'] = 'Back'

◆ trads [14/174]

$this trads[ 'quit'] = 'Quit'

◆ trads [15/174]

$this trads[ 'configuration'] = 'Setup'

◆ trads [16/174]

$this trads[ 'help'] = 'Help'

◆ trads [17/174]

$this trads[ 'valid'] = 'Validate'

◆ trads [18/174]

$this trads[ 'plugins'] = 'Plugins'

◆ trads [19/174]

$this trads[ 'plugin'] = 'Plugin'

◆ trads [20/174]

$this trads[ 'pluginx'] = 'Plugin "%s"'

◆ trads [21/174]

$this trads[ 'modules'] = 'Modules'

◆ trads [22/174]

$this trads[ 'module'] = 'Module'

◆ trads [23/174]

$this trads[ 'modulex'] = 'Module "%s"'

◆ trads [24/174]

$this trads[ 'inputs'] = 'Inputs'

◆ trads [25/174]

$this trads[ 'input'] = 'Input'

◆ trads [26/174]

$this trads[ 'inputx'] = 'Input "%s"'

◆ trads [27/174]

$this trads[ 'templates'] = 'Templates'

◆ trads [28/174]

$this trads[ 'template'] = 'Template'

◆ trads [29/174]

$this trads[ 'templatex'] = 'Template "%s"'

◆ trads [30/174]

$this trads[ 'themes'] = 'Themes'

◆ trads [31/174]

$this trads[ 'theme'] = 'Theme'

◆ trads [32/174]

$this trads[ 'themex'] = 'Theme "%s"'

◆ trads [33/174]

$this trads[ 'content'] = 'Content'

◆ trads [34/174]

$this trads[ 'module_type_admin'] = 'Admin'

◆ trads [35/174]

$this trads[ 'module_type_content'] = 'Content'

◆ trads [36/174]

$this trads[ 'module_type_tool'] = 'Tool'

◆ trads [37/174]

$this trads[ 'administration'] = 'Admin'

◆ trads [38/174]

$this trads[ 'installation'] = 'Installation'

◆ trads [39/174]

$this trads[ 'site_admin'] = '%s\'s admin section'

◆ trads [40/174]

$this trads[ 'lastname'] = 'Last name'

◆ trads [41/174]

$this trads[ 'firstname'] = 'First name'

◆ trads [42/174]

$this trads[ 'address'] = 'Address'

◆ trads [43/174]

$this trads[ 'civility'] = 'Title'

◆ trads [44/174]

$this trads[ 'zipcode'] = 'Zipcode'

◆ trads [45/174]

$this trads[ 'city'] = 'City'

◆ trads [46/174]

$this trads[ 'country'] = 'Country'

◆ trads [47/174]

$this trads[ 'title'] = 'Title'

◆ trads [48/174]

$this trads[ 'subtitle'] = 'Subtitle'

◆ trads [49/174]

$this trads[ 'active'] = 'Active'

◆ trads [50/174]

$this trads[ 'inactive'] = 'Inactive'

◆ trads [51/174]

$this trads[ 'name'] = 'Name'

◆ trads [52/174]

$this trads[ 'version'] = 'Version'

◆ trads [53/174]

$this trads[ 'author'] = 'Author'

◆ trads [54/174]

$this trads[ 'camyks'] = 'CaMykS'

◆ trads [55/174]

$this trads[ 'site'] = 'Website'

◆ trads [56/174]

$this trads[ 'module_generic_help'] = 'Info'

◆ trads [57/174]

$this trads[ 'read'] = 'Read'

◆ trads [58/174]

$this trads[ 'write'] = 'Write'

◆ trads [59/174]

$this trads[ 'configuration'] = 'Configuration'

◆ trads [60/174]

$this trads[ 'shared'] = 'Shared'

◆ trads [61/174]

$this trads[ 'dedicated'] = 'Dedicated'

◆ trads [62/174]

$this trads[ 'type'] = 'Type'

◆ trads [63/174]

$this trads[ 'properties'] = 'Properties'

◆ trads [64/174]

$this trads[ 'date'] = 'Date'

◆ trads [65/174]

$this trads[ 'today'] = 'Today'

◆ trads [66/174]

$this trads[ 'yesterday'] = 'Yesterday'

◆ trads [67/174]

$this trads[ 'tomorrow'] = 'Tomorrow'

◆ trads [68/174]

$this trads[ 'dayx'] = '%s'

◆ trads [69/174]

$this trads[ 'thisweek'] = 'This week'

◆ trads [70/174]

$this trads[ 'lastweek'] = 'The last week'

◆ trads [71/174]

$this trads[ 'thismonth'] = 'This month'

◆ trads [72/174]

$this trads[ 'lastmonth'] = 'The last month'

◆ trads [73/174]

$this trads[ 'thisyear'] = 'This year'

◆ trads [74/174]

$this trads[ 'lastyear'] = 'The last year'

◆ trads [75/174]

$this trads[ 'fromxtoy'] = 'From %s to %s'

◆ trads [76/174]

$this trads[ 'fromx'] = 'From %s'

◆ trads [77/174]

$this trads[ 'toy'] = ' to %s'

◆ trads [78/174]

$this trads[ 'close'] = 'Close'

◆ trads [79/174]

$this trads[ 'open'] = 'Open'

◆ trads [80/174]

$this trads[ 'add'] = 'Add'

◆ trads [81/174]

$this trads[ 'remove'] = 'Remove'

◆ trads [82/174]

$this trads[ 'delete'] = 'Delete'

◆ trads [83/174]

$this trads[ 'cut'] = 'Cut'

◆ trads [84/174]

$this trads[ 'copy'] = 'Copy'

◆ trads [85/174]

$this trads[ 'paste'] = 'Paste'

◆ trads [86/174]

$this trads[ 'cancel'] = 'Cancel'

◆ trads [87/174]

$this trads[ 'select'] = 'Select'

◆ trads [88/174]

$this trads[ 'edit'] = 'Edit'

◆ trads [89/174]

$this trads[ 'modify'] = 'Modify'

◆ trads [90/174]

$this trads[ 'duplicate'] = 'Duplicate'

◆ trads [91/174]

$this trads[ 'preview'] = 'Preview'

◆ trads [92/174]

$this trads[ 'update'] = 'Update'

◆ trads [93/174]

$this trads[ 'reset'] = 'Reset'

◆ trads [94/174]

$this trads[ 'search'] = 'Search'

◆ trads [95/174]

$this trads[ 'display'] = 'Display'

◆ trads [96/174]

$this trads[ 'listen'] = 'Listen'

◆ trads [97/174]

$this trads[ 'configure'] = 'Configure'

◆ trads [98/174]

$this trads[ 'module_can_t_be_uninstalled'] = 'This module cannot be uninstalled.'

◆ trads [99/174]

$this trads[ 'module_access_denied'] = 'You do not have enough permissions to access this plugin.'

◆ trads [100/174]

$this trads[ 'module_page_access_denied'] = 'You do not have enough permissions to edit this page.'

◆ trads [101/174]

$this trads[ 'module_action_not_allowed'] = 'You do not have enough permissions to execute this action.'

◆ trads [102/174]

$this trads[ 'module_plugin_missing'] = 'This module depends on another plugin which is currently unavailable. Please refer to your administrator to active the required plugin : %s - %s.'

◆ trads [103/174]

$this trads[ 'savedone'] = 'Saving in progress...'

◆ trads [104/174]

$this trads[ 'savefailed'] = 'An error occurred while saving.'

◆ trads [105/174]

$this trads[ 'deletedone'] = 'Deleting in progress...'

◆ trads [106/174]

$this trads[ 'deletefailed'] = 'An error occurred while deleting.'

◆ trads [107/174]

$this trads[ 'lang_fr'] = 'French'

◆ trads [108/174]

$this trads[ 'lang_en'] = 'English'

◆ trads [109/174]

$this trads[ 'lang_it'] = 'Italian'

◆ trads [110/174]

$this trads[ 'lang_de'] = 'German'

◆ trads [111/174]

$this trads[ 'lang_es'] = 'Spanish'

◆ trads [112/174]

$this trads[ 'lang_pt'] = 'Portuguese'

◆ trads [113/174]

$this trads[ 'lang_br'] = 'Brazilian portuguese'

◆ trads [114/174]

$this trads[ 'imagesize'] = 'Image size'

◆ trads [115/174]

$this trads[ 'file_unknownfile'] = 'Unknown file'

◆ trads [116/174]

$this trads[ 'file_folder'] = 'Folder'

◆ trads [117/174]

$this trads[ 'file_textfile'] = 'Text file (%s)'

◆ trads [118/174]

$this trads[ 'file_imagefile'] = 'Image file (%s)'

◆ trads [119/174]

$this trads[ 'file_audiofile'] = 'Audio file (%s)'

◆ trads [120/174]

$this trads[ 'file_videofile'] = 'Video file (%s)'

◆ trads [121/174]

$this trads[ 'file_presentationfile'] = 'Slideshow file (%s)'

◆ trads [122/174]

$this trads[ 'file_diskimagefile'] = 'Disk image file (%s)'

◆ trads [123/174]

$this trads[ 'file_compressedfile'] = 'Compressed file (%s)'

◆ trads [124/174]

$this trads[ 'file_sourcefile'] = 'Source file (%s)'

◆ trads [125/174]

$this trads[ 'file_genericfile'] = '%s File'

◆ trads [126/174]

$this trads[ 'file_nofile'] = 'No file'

◆ trads [127/174]

$this trads[ 'file_viewfiletype'] = 'View file %s'

◆ trads [128/174]

$this trads[ 'file_filetype'] = 'File %s'

◆ trads [129/174]

$this trads[ 'file_deleted'] = 'Deleted'

◆ trads [130/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_separator'] = ': '

◆ trads [131/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_name'] = 'Name: '

◆ trads [132/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_type'] = 'Type: '

◆ trads [133/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_title'] = 'Title: '

◆ trads [134/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_status'] = 'Status: '

◆ trads [135/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_date'] = 'Date: '

◆ trads [136/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_description'] = 'Description: '

◆ trads [137/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_address'] = 'Address: '

◆ trads [138/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_zipcode'] = 'Zipcode: '

◆ trads [139/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_city'] = 'City: '

◆ trads [140/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_state'] = 'State: '

◆ trads [141/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_country'] = 'Country: '

◆ trads [142/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_layout'] = 'Layout: '

◆ trads [143/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_email'] = 'Email: '

◆ trads [144/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_phone'] = 'Phone: '

◆ trads [145/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_mobile'] = 'Mobile: '

◆ trads [146/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_fax'] = 'Fax: '

◆ trads [147/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_firstname'] = 'First name: '

◆ trads [148/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_lastname'] = 'Last name: '

◆ trads [149/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_login'] = 'Login: '

◆ trads [150/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_pwd'] = 'Password: '

◆ trads [151/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_confirm'] = 'Confirm: '

◆ trads [152/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_version'] = 'Version: '

◆ trads [153/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_package'] = 'Package: '

◆ trads [154/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_author'] = 'Author: '

◆ trads [155/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_page'] = 'Page: '

◆ trads [156/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_website'] = 'Website: '

◆ trads [157/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_category'] = 'Category: '

◆ trads [158/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_company'] = 'Company: '

◆ trads [159/174]

$this trads[ 'formitem_civility'] = 'Title: '

◆ trads [160/174]

$this trads[ 'formtitle_properties'] = 'Properties'

◆ trads [161/174]

$this trads[ 'civility_'] = ''

◆ trads [162/174]

$this trads[ 'civility_mr'] = 'Mr'

◆ trads [163/174]

$this trads[ 'civility_mrs'] = 'Mrs'

◆ trads [164/174]

$this trads[ 'civility_ms'] = 'Ms'

◆ trads [165/174]

$this trads[ 'civility_sir'] = 'Sir'

◆ trads [166/174]

$this trads[ 'civility_dr'] = 'Dr'

◆ trads [167/174]

$this trads[ 'civility_pr'] = 'Pr'

◆ trads [168/174]

$this trads[ 'civility_me'] = ''

◆ trads [169/174]

$this trads[ 'error_pluginmissing_title'] = 'A required plugin is missing.'

◆ trads [170/174]

$this trads[ 'error_pluginmissing_desc'] = 'Plugin "%s" is required and missing in CaMykS installation.'

◆ trads [171/174]

$this trads[ 'error_fatalerror'] = 'Fatal error'

◆ trads [172/174]

$this trads[ 'error_plugin_doesnt_support_requests_desc'] = 'This plugin doesn\'t support requests.'

◆ trads [173/174]

$this trads[ 'error_plugin_doesnt_support_requests_content'] = 'If the problem persists, contact the website administrator.'

◆ trads [174/174]

$this trads[ 'error_plugin_doesnt_support_requests_back_title'] = 'Back to home'