Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($path_type) | |
initialise ($params=array()) | |
execute_request () | |
set_objectName ($n) | |
set_themeValues ($theme) | |
set_folderValues ($path=null, $url=null, $title=null) | |
set_engineValues ($mode=null, $url=null, $rights=null) | |
set_browserValues ($size=null, $filter=null, $path=null) | |
set_selectionValues ($function=null) | |
get_runningValues () | |
check_allValues () | |
get_link ($page_value) | |
![]() | |
__construct ($name, $path_type) | |
Input ($name, $path_type) | |
display () | |
get_translation ($value, $data=null) | |
set_selectedLayout ($layout='') | |
![]() | |
__construct ($name, $plugin_type, $path_type) | |
get_version () | |
load_library ($library='') | |
load_file ($file='') | |
load_varFile ($file='') | |
load_engineFile ($file='') | |
get_engineFileURL ($file='', $path=false) | |
get_fileURL ($file='', $path=null, $default='') | |
get_varFileURL ($file='', $path=false, $default='') | |
get_filePath ($file='') | |
get_varFilePath ($file='') | |
add_JSFile ($file) | |
add_JSEngineFile ($file) | |
add_JSExternFile ($file) | |
add_JSScript ($script, $unique=false) | |
add_JSPreScript ($script, $unique=false) | |
add_JSWindowEventScript ($event, $script, $unique=false) | |
add_JSLoadScript ($script, $unique=false) | |
add_JSUnloadScript ($script, $unique=false) | |
add_styleFile ($file, $media='', $condition='') | |
add_styleScript ($css) | |
add_styleIncludedFile ($file) | |
add_StyleExternFile ($file, $media='', $condition='') | |
set_RSSFeed ($title, $url) | |
add_headerExtra ($content='') | |
install () | |
uninstall () | |
is_installed () | |
update ($version, $more='') | |
add_translation ($more='', $lg=null) | |
get_languages () | |
execute_onCaMykSInitialise () | |
execute_onCaMykSPageLoad () | |
execute_onCaMykSBodyOpen () | |
execute_onCaMykSBodyClose () | |
execute_onCaMykSAdminPageLoad () | |
execute_onCaMykSAdminBodyOpen () | |
execute_onCaMykSAdminBodyClose () | |
execute_onCaMykSTerminate () | |
get_requestLink ($params=array()) | |
get_requestJSLink ($params=array()) | |
get_varFile ($file) | |
Public Attributes | |
$winSize = '100%' | |
Size of the manager view. More... | |
$objname = 'fm' | |
Manager object name. More... | |
$theme | |
Applied theme to the view. More... | |
$folder_path | |
Path to folder to manage. More... | |
$folder_url | |
URL to folder to manage. More... | |
$folder_title | |
Title of folder to manage. More... | |
$engine_mode | |
Selected mode for current view. More... | |
$engine_url | |
Url of current view. More... | |
$engine_rights | |
User rights for current view. More... | |
$engine_action | |
Action to execute in current view. More... | |
$browser_maxfilesize | |
Upload max file size. More... | |
$browser_maxlevel | |
Browser max level. More... | |
$browser_view | |
Browser current view. More... | |
$browser_filter | |
Browser current filter. More... | |
$browser_path | |
Browser current path. More... | |
$browser_openpath | |
Browser current open path. More... | |
$browser_files | |
Browser files. More... | |
$selection_callback_function | |
Callback function for selection mode. More... | |
![]() | |
$title | |
Input title. More... | |
$params = array() | |
Input parameters. More... | |
$selected_layout = '' | |
Input layout to use. More... | |
![]() | |
$name | |
Plugin name. More... | |
$version | |
Plugin version. More... | |
$active = false | |
Plugin installation status. More... | |
$plugin_package = '' | |
Plugin package. More... | |
$plugin_type | |
Plugin type. More... | |
$object_type | |
Plugin type. More... | |
$plugin_path | |
Plugin path. More... | |
$plugin_site_path | |
Plugin site path (for element overwriting). More... | |
$plugin_var_path | |
Plugin var path. More... | |
$plugin_url | |
Plugin URL. More... | |
$plugin_site_url | |
Plugin site URL (for element overwriting). More... | |
$plugin_var_url | |
Plugin var URL. More... | |
$path_type | |
Plugin path type. More... | |
$author_name | |
Plugin author name. More... | |
$author_mail | |
Plugin author email. More... | |
$author_group | |
Plugin author group. More... | |
$plugin_dependencies = array() | |
Plugin dependencies. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
get_headerValues () | |
initialise_link_mode () | |
initialise_manage_mode () | |
initialise_selection_mode () | |
get_fileTree () | |
get_folderContent ($folder, $level) | |
initialise_folder_execute () | |
initialise_file_execute () | |
initialise_trash_execute () | |
initialise_change_view_execute () | |
initialise_rename_execute () | |
initialise_download_execute () | |
initialise_columnsview () | |
build_columnsHTML (&$file, $level, $visible=false) | |
build_columnsHTMLDescription (&$file, $level, $visible=false) | |
initialise_listview () | |
build_listHTML (&$files, $level, $visible=false) | |
Private Attributes | |
$modes = array('manage', 'selection', 'requestlink') | |
Available mode list. More... | |
$views = array('columns', ) | |
Available view list. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
set_redirect ($time, $url='') | |
add_meta ($name, $content, $method='name') | |
add_toHtaccess ($content='') | |
add_dependency ($plugin, $type, $version='1.0', $mandatory=false) | |
set_dependencies () | |
register_asSharedObject ($name) | |
& | get_sharedObject ($name) |
register_asExtension ($plugin) | |
get_registeredExtensions () | |
register_asCaMykSEventHandler ($event) | |
FileManager Input class.
FileManager::__construct | ( | $path_type | ) |
Class constructor.
string | $path_type |
FileManager::initialise | ( | $params = array() | ) |
FileManager::execute_request | ( | ) |
FileManager::set_objectName | ( | $n | ) |
Update object name.
string | $n |
FileManager::set_themeValues | ( | $theme | ) |
Define theme.
Object | $theme |
FileManager::set_folderValues | ( | $path = null , |
$url = null , |
$title = null |
) |
Define folder values.
string | $path | |
string | $url | |
string | $title |
FileManager::set_engineValues | ( | $mode = null , |
$url = null , |
$rights = null |
) |
Define engine values
string | $mode | |
string | $url | |
string | $rights |
FileManager::set_browserValues | ( | $size = null , |
$filter = null , |
$path = null |
) |
Define browser values.
int | $size | |
string | $filter | |
string | $path |
FileManager::set_selectionValues | ( | $function = null | ) |
Define specific to selection mode values.
string | $function |
FileManager::get_runningValues | ( | ) |
Get running values
FileManager::check_allValues | ( | ) |
Check all plugin values and complete them with default values
private |
Load all values from header
private |
Plugin initialisation in link mode.
private |
Plugin initialisation in view mode.
private |
Initialise plugin in selection mode.
FileManager::get_link | ( | $page_value | ) |
Request link mode link.
mixed | $page_value |
private |
Build file tree.
private |
Get folder content
string | $folder | |
integer | $level |
private |
Create a folder action.
private |
Upload a file action.
private |
Trash a file action.
private |
Change file system view action.
private |
Rename a file or a folder action.
private |
Download a file action.
private |
Specific initialization for columns view.
private |
Build html for columns view.
array | $file | |
int | $level | |
boolean | $visible |
private |
Build html for folder descriptions.
array | $file | |
int | $level | |
boolean | $visible |
private |
Specific initialization for list view.
private |
Build html for list view
array | $files | |
int | $level | |
boolean | $visible |
FileManager::$winSize = '100%' |
Size of the manager view.
var string $winSize
FileManager::$objname = 'fm' |
Manager object name.
var string $objname
private |
Available mode list.
var array $modes
private |
Available view list.
var array $views
FileManager::$theme |
Applied theme to the view.
var array $views
FileManager::$folder_path |
Path to folder to manage.
var string $folder_path
FileManager::$folder_url |
URL to folder to manage.
var string $folder_url
FileManager::$folder_title |
Title of folder to manage.
var string $folder_title
FileManager::$engine_mode |
Selected mode for current view.
var string $engine_mode
FileManager::$engine_url |
Url of current view.
var string $engine_url
FileManager::$engine_rights |
User rights for current view.
var string $engine_rights
FileManager::$engine_action |
Action to execute in current view.
var string $engine_action
FileManager::$browser_maxfilesize |
Upload max file size.
var string $browser_maxfilesize
FileManager::$browser_maxlevel |
Browser max level.
var string $browser_maxlevel
FileManager::$browser_view |
Browser current view.
var string $browser_view
FileManager::$browser_filter |
Browser current filter.
var string $browser_filter
FileManager::$browser_path |
Browser current path.
var string $browser_path
FileManager::$browser_openpath |
Browser current open path.
var string $browser_openpath
FileManager::$browser_files |
Browser files.
var array $browser_files
FileManager::$selection_callback_function |
Callback function for selection mode.
var string $selection_callback_function