Public Attributes | |
$page | |
Current page is use. More... | |
$mode | |
Current admin mode. More... | |
$page_id | |
Current page id. More... | |
$config | |
Module configuration. More... | |
![]() | |
$type | |
Module type, can be admin or content. More... | |
$title | |
Module title. More... | |
$libdesc | |
Module library description. More... | |
$theme | |
Theme applied to the Module. More... | |
$languages | |
Module available locale files. More... | |
$rights = array() | |
Module permissions. More... | |
$selected_layout = '' | |
Module layout to use. More... | |
$selected_layout_location = 'module' | |
Module layout location, can be module or camyks. More... | |
$help = null | |
Module help files. More... | |
$is_editable = true | |
Module has editable content. More... | |
![]() | |
$name | |
Plugin name. More... | |
$version | |
Plugin version. More... | |
$active = false | |
Plugin installation status. More... | |
$plugin_package = '' | |
Plugin package. More... | |
$plugin_type | |
Plugin type. More... | |
$object_type | |
Plugin type. More... | |
$plugin_path | |
Plugin path. More... | |
$plugin_site_path | |
Plugin site path (for element overwriting). More... | |
$plugin_var_path | |
Plugin var path. More... | |
$plugin_url | |
Plugin URL. More... | |
$plugin_site_url | |
Plugin site URL (for element overwriting). More... | |
$plugin_var_url | |
Plugin var URL. More... | |
$path_type | |
Plugin path type. More... | |
$author_name | |
Plugin author name. More... | |
$author_mail | |
Plugin author email. More... | |
$author_group | |
Plugin author group. More... | |
$plugin_dependencies = array() | |
Plugin dependencies. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
$htmlcols | |
HTML code for page tree. More... | |
$opened | |
Opened page path. More... | |
![]() | |
$libs = array() | |
Module libraries to load. More... | |
$text = '' | |
Module admin message. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
init_admin_finder () | |
init_admin_modify () | |
init_admin_save () | |
init_admin_delete () | |
init_admin_move () | |
init_admin_moveup () | |
init_admin_movedown () | |
init_admin_edit_config () | |
init_admin_save_config () | |
get_adminPages () | |
check_pageRights ($page) | |
get_sitePagesHtmlCols () | |
build_sitePagesHtmlCols ($children, $level, $root, $visible, $parent_id) | |
get_openedPages () | |
execute_request_get_headerValues () | |
initialise_finderMode () | |
update_toVersion1_1 () | |
Private Attributes | |
$available_modes = array('finder','modify', 'save', 'delete', 'moveup', 'movedown', 'move', 'edit_config', 'save_config') | |
List of all available modes. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
init_admin_accessDenied () | |
init_admin_pageAccessDenied () | |
init_admin_actionNotAllowed () | |
init_admin_missingPlugin ($type, $name) | |
disable_adminEngineMenus () | |
add_moduleContentToPage ($pageId, $moduleIndex, $contentId) | |
get_PHPLibs () | |
![]() | |
set_redirect ($time, $url='') | |
add_meta ($name, $content, $method='name') | |
add_toHtaccess ($content='') | |
add_dependency ($plugin, $type, $version='1.0', $mandatory=false) | |
set_dependencies () | |
register_asSharedObject ($name) | |
& | get_sharedObject ($name) |
register_asExtension ($plugin) | |
get_registeredExtensions () | |
register_asCaMykSEventHandler ($event) | |
Admin_ContentPage class.
Admin_ContentPage::__construct | ( | $path_type | ) |
Class constructor.
string | $path_type |
Admin_ContentPage::install | ( | ) |
Admin_ContentPage::uninstall | ( | ) |
Admin_ContentPage::is_installed | ( | ) |
Admin_ContentPage::update | ( | $version, | |
$more = '' |
) |
Admin_ContentPage::get_adminStatisticsValueTitles | ( | $pages, | |
$type = null |
) |
Admin_ContentPage::get_rights | ( | ) |
Admin_ContentPage::get_adminEngineSpecificMenus | ( | ) |
Admin_ContentPage::get_adminEngineSpecificMenuItems | ( | ) |
Admin_ContentPage::init_admin | ( | ) |
Admin_ContentPage::execute_request | ( | ) |
private |
Initialise module object in admin/finder mode.
private |
Initialise module object in admin/modify mode.
private |
Initialise module object in admin/save mode.
private |
Initialise module object in admin/delete mode.
private |
Initialise module object in admin/move mode.
private |
Initialise module object in admin/move up mode.
private |
Initialise module object in admin/move up mode.
private |
Initialise module object in admin/edit_config mode.
private |
Initialise module object in admin/save_config mode.
private |
Return all pages in admin mode.
Admin_ContentPage::get_sitePages | ( | $lg = null , |
$where = '' |
) |
Return all pages in visit mode.
string | $lg | |
string | $where |
Admin_ContentPage::get_sitePageLink | ( | $page = '' , |
$lg = '' , |
$params = array() |
) |
Return page link.
mixed | $page | |
string | $lg | |
array | $params |
Admin_ContentPage::get_siteKeyPageLink | ( | $key = '' , |
$lg = '' , |
$params = array() |
) |
Return key page link.
string | $key | |
string | $lg | |
array | $params |
Admin_ContentPage::get_siteHomePageLink | ( | ) |
Return homepage link.
Admin_ContentPage::set_siteHomePage | ( | $pId | ) |
Store homepage.
Admin_ContentPage::get_newPage | ( | ) |
Return a new ContentPage object.
private |
Check current admin user right on given page.
mixed | $page |
private |
Build HTML admin page tree.
private |
Build HTML admin page tree columns.
array | $children | |
int | $level | |
string | $root | |
boolean | $visible | |
int | $parent_id |
private |
Extract open pages from header opened value.
private |
Load header values in execute request mode.
Admin_ContentPage::get_adminSearchEngineResultsInfos | ( | $lib = '' , |
$ids = array() |
) |
Return search results data
array | $lib | |
array | $ids |
Admin_ContentPage::get_configValue | ( | $param, | |
$default = false |
) |
Return config value.
string | $param | |
mixed | $default |
Admin_ContentPage::get_keyPage | ( | $key | ) |
Return key page from config.
string | $key |
Admin_ContentPage::set_keyPage | ( | $key, | |
$value = null |
) |
Update key page in config.
string | $key | |
mixed | $value |
Admin_ContentPage::get_navigationRoot | ( | $key | ) |
Return navigation root from config.
string | $key |
private |
Initialise finder mode.
private |
Apply version 1.1 update.
Admin_ContentPage::initialise_configDisplay | ( | ) |
Initialise object in Admin_Site, view configuration mode.
Admin_ContentPage::display_configDisplay | ( | ) |
Display object in Admin_Site, view configuration mode.
Admin_ContentPage::initialise_configEdition | ( | $form | ) |
Admin_ContentPage::display_configEdition | ( | ) |
Display object in Admin_Site, edit configuration mode
Admin_ContentPage::save_configuration | ( | ) |
Execute object in Admin_Site, save configuration mode
Admin_ContentPage::get_sitemapLinks | ( | ) |
Return links for site map.
Admin_ContentPage::$page |
Current page is use.
var Object $page
Admin_ContentPage::$mode |
Current admin mode.
var string $mode
private |
List of all available modes.
var array $available_modes
Admin_ContentPage::$page_id |
Current page id.
var integer $page_id
protected |
HTML code for page tree.
var string $htmlcols
protected |
Opened page path.
var array $opened
Admin_ContentPage::$config |
Module configuration.
var Object $config