CaMykS  1.0-20231201
Variables File Reference


$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_title'] = 'News'
 Content_GenericNews Module french dictionnary. More...
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_desc'] = 'Affiche des actualités au format texte.'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_newslistsaved'] = 'Les propriétés de la liste de news ont été sauvegardées.'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_newsitemsaved'] = 'La news a été sauvegardée.'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_newslistnotsaved'] = 'Les propriétés de la liste de news n\'ont pas été sauvegardées.'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_newsitemnotsaved'] = 'La news n\'a pas été sauvegardée.'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_tabproperties'] = 'Propriétés'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_tabnewsitems'] = 'News'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_name'] = 'Nom'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_count_list'] = 'Nombre de news affichées'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_layout_list'] = 'Layout pour la liste'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_layout_item'] = 'Layout pour une news'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_box_list_titleonly'] = 'Cadre - Titre seulement'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_box_list_short'] = 'Cadre - Affichage court'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_box_list_complete'] = 'Cadre - Affichage complet'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_box_list_completebyyear'] = 'Cadre - Affichage complet séparé par an'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_box_list_completebymonth'] = 'Cadre - Affichage complet séparé par mois'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_box_list_completebyday'] = 'Cadre - Affichage complet séparé par jour'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_box_item_complete'] = 'Affichage complet'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_custom'] = 'Custom'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_title_title'] = 'Titre'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_newnews'] = 'Créer une nouvelle news'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_date'] = 'Date'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_status'] = 'Etat'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_newstitle'] = 'Titre'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_language'] = 'Langue'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_author'] = 'Auteur'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_previous'] = '<< Plus récentes'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_next'] = 'Plus anciennes >>'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_newscount'] = '%s news'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_editanews'] = 'Editer une news'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_content'] = 'Texte'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_source_title'] = 'Source(titre)'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_source_url'] = 'Source(url)'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_inedition'] = 'En cours d\'édition'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_inline'] = 'En ligne'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_edit'] = 'Modifier'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_site_title'] = 'Actualités'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_infos'] = 'Par %s le %s'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_infos2'] = 'Par %s à %s'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_sourcelnk'] = 'Source : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_previousnews'] = 'News précédentes'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_nextnews'] = 'News suivantes'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_page'] = 'Page %s'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_back'] = 'Retour'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericnews_site_shareon'] = 'Partager sur : '

Variable Documentation

◆ trads [1/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_title'] = 'News'

Content_GenericNews Module french dictionnary.

Plugin, Module Dictionnary

CaMykS Team
Creation: Mar 2007
Modification: May 2021
This program is distributed as is - WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_desc'] = 'Affiche des actualités au format texte.'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_newslistsaved'] = 'Les propriétés de la liste de news ont été sauvegardées.'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_newsitemsaved'] = 'La news a été sauvegardée.'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_newslistnotsaved'] = 'Les propriétés de la liste de news n\'ont pas été sauvegardées.'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_newsitemnotsaved'] = 'La news n\'a pas été sauvegardée.'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_tabproperties'] = 'Propriétés'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_tabnewsitems'] = 'News'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_name'] = 'Nom'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_count_list'] = 'Nombre de news affichées'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_layout_list'] = 'Layout pour la liste'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_layout_item'] = 'Layout pour une news'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_box_list_titleonly'] = 'Cadre - Titre seulement'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_box_list_short'] = 'Cadre - Affichage court'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_box_list_complete'] = 'Cadre - Affichage complet'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_box_list_completebyyear'] = 'Cadre - Affichage complet séparé par an'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_box_list_completebymonth'] = 'Cadre - Affichage complet séparé par mois'

◆ trads [18/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_box_list_completebyday'] = 'Cadre - Affichage complet séparé par jour'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_box_item_complete'] = 'Affichage complet'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_custom'] = 'Custom'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_title_title'] = 'Titre'

◆ trads [22/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_newnews'] = 'Créer une nouvelle news'

◆ trads [23/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_date'] = 'Date'

◆ trads [24/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_status'] = 'Etat'

◆ trads [25/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_newstitle'] = 'Titre'

◆ trads [26/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_language'] = 'Langue'

◆ trads [27/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_author'] = 'Auteur'

◆ trads [28/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_previous'] = '<< Plus récentes'

◆ trads [29/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_next'] = 'Plus anciennes >>'

◆ trads [30/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_newscount'] = '%s news'

◆ trads [31/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_editanews'] = 'Editer une news'

◆ trads [32/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_content'] = 'Texte'

◆ trads [33/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_source_title'] = 'Source(titre)'

◆ trads [34/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_source_url'] = 'Source(url)'

◆ trads [35/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_inedition'] = 'En cours d\'édition'

◆ trads [36/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_inline'] = 'En ligne'

◆ trads [37/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_edit'] = 'Modifier'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_site_title'] = 'Actualités'

◆ trads [39/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_infos'] = 'Par %s le %s'

◆ trads [40/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_infos2'] = 'Par %s à %s'

◆ trads [41/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_sourcelnk'] = 'Source : '

◆ trads [42/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_previousnews'] = 'News précédentes'

◆ trads [43/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_nextnews'] = 'News suivantes'

◆ trads [44/46]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_page'] = 'Page %s'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_back'] = 'Retour'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericnews_site_shareon'] = 'Partager sur : '