CaMykS  1.0-20231201
Variables File Reference


$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_title'] = 'Affichage des blogs'
 Content_GenericBlogsViewer module, french dictionary. More...
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_desc'] = ''
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_layout_item_box'] = 'Encadré'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_layout_list_box'] = 'Encadré'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_status_enabled'] = 'Activé'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_status_disabled'] = 'Désactivé'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_gpc_name'] = 'Contrôleur'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_title_globalsettings'] = 'Paramètres globaux'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_title_listsettings'] = 'Paramètres de l\'affichage listé'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_title_itemsettings'] = 'Paramètres de l\'affichage d\'une actualité'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_title_panelsettings'] = 'Paramètres du panneau d\'informations'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_title_commentsettings'] = 'Paramètres des commentaires'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_formtitle_socialnetworksharingpanel'] = 'Partage sur les réseaux sociaux'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_formtitle_genericpagecontroller'] = 'Contrôleur de page générique'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_formitem_gpcsource'] = 'Design spécifié par : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemauthors'] = 'Auteurs affichés : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemactiverss'] = 'Activer le flux RSS : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemlistcount'] = 'Nombre d\'actualités affichées : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemlistlayout'] = 'Affichage : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemlistpanel'] = 'Afficher le panneau d\'informations : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemitemlayout'] = 'Affichage : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemitempanel'] = 'Afficher le panneau d\'informations : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itempanelinsert'] = 'Insertion de texte :'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemcommentmessage'] = 'Message en-tête : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_authors_all'] = 'Tous'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_savedone'] = 'Enregistrement en cours...'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_savefailed'] = 'Une erreur est survenue lors de l\'enregistrement des données.'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_title_separator'] = ' : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_back'] = 'Retour au blog'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comments_title'] = 'Les %s commentaires : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_title'] = 'Le commentaire : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_nocomment_title'] = 'Aucun commentaire pour le moment'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_headerfull'] = 'Message post&eacute; par <a href="%3$s" target="_blank" class="%4$s">%1$s</a>, le %2$s : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_headerlight'] = 'Message post&eacute; par %1$s, le %2$s : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_add'] = 'Ajouter votre commentaire : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_mandatory'] = ' (obligatoire)'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_yourname'] = 'Votre nom : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_youremail'] = 'Votre e-mail : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_yourwebsite'] = 'Site Web : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_yourcommtitle'] = 'Titre : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_send'] = 'Envoyer mon commentaire'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_saved'] = 'Votre commentaire a &eacute;t&eacute; enregistr&eacute;.'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_savedneedvalidation'] = 'Un administrateur validera votre message, il apparaitra alors sur le site.'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_nocomment'] = 'Soyez le premier &agrave; ajouter un commentaire!'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_1comment'] = 'Lire le commentaire.'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_xcomments'] = 'Lire les %s commentaires.'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_published_by_into'] = 'Publi&eacute; par %s dans %s.'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_published_by'] = 'Publi&eacute; par %s'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_published_into'] = 'Publi&eacute; into %s'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_currentpage'] = 'Page %s'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_nextpage'] = 'R&eacute;centes &gt;&gt;'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_previouspage'] = '&lt;&lt; Archives'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_shareon'] = 'Partager sur :&nbsp;'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_panel_authors'] = 'Par auteurs : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_panel_tags'] = 'Par tags : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_panel_links'] = 'Les liens : '
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_rss_title0'] = 'Blog de %1$s'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_rss_title1'] = 'Blog de %2$s sur %1$s'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_rss_titlex'] = 'Blog de %1$s'
$this trads ['mod_content_genericblogsviewer_rss_description'] = '%s en RSS'

Variable Documentation

◆ trads [1/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_title'] = 'Affichage des blogs'

Content_GenericBlogsViewer module, french dictionary.

Plugin / Module Dictionary

CaMykS Team
Creation: Apr 2008
Modification: Jul 2021
This program is distributed as is - WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

◆ trads [2/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_desc'] = ''

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_layout_item_box'] = 'Encadr&eacute;'

◆ trads [4/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_layout_list_box'] = 'Encadr&eacute;'

◆ trads [5/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_status_enabled'] = 'Activ&eacute;'

◆ trads [6/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_status_disabled'] = 'D&eacute;sactiv&eacute;'

◆ trads [7/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_gpc_name'] = 'Contr&ocirc;leur'

◆ trads [8/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_title_globalsettings'] = 'Param&egrave;tres globaux'

◆ trads [9/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_title_listsettings'] = 'Param&egrave;tres de l\'affichage list&eacute;'

◆ trads [10/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_title_itemsettings'] = 'Param&egrave;tres de l\'affichage d\'une actualit&eacute;'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_title_panelsettings'] = 'Param&egrave;tres du panneau d\'informations'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_title_commentsettings'] = 'Param&egrave;tres des commentaires'

◆ trads [13/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_formtitle_socialnetworksharingpanel'] = 'Partage sur les r&eacute;seaux sociaux'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_formtitle_genericpagecontroller'] = 'Contr&ocirc;leur de page g&eacute;n&eacute;rique'

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_formitem_gpcsource'] = 'Design sp&eacute;cifi&eacute; par : '

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$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemauthors'] = 'Auteurs affich&eacute;s : '

◆ trads [17/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemactiverss'] = 'Activer le flux RSS : '

◆ trads [18/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemlistcount'] = 'Nombre d\'actualit&eacute;s affich&eacute;es : '

◆ trads [19/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemlistlayout'] = 'Affichage : '

◆ trads [20/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemlistpanel'] = 'Afficher le panneau d\'informations : '

◆ trads [21/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemitemlayout'] = 'Affichage : '

◆ trads [22/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemitempanel'] = 'Afficher le panneau d\'informations : '

◆ trads [23/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itempanelinsert'] = 'Insertion de texte :'

◆ trads [24/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_itemcommentmessage'] = 'Message en-t&ecirc;te : '

◆ trads [25/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_authors_all'] = 'Tous'

◆ trads [26/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_savedone'] = 'Enregistrement en cours...'

◆ trads [27/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_savefailed'] = 'Une erreur est survenue lors de l\'enregistrement des donn&eacute;es.'

◆ trads [28/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_title_separator'] = ' : '

◆ trads [29/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_back'] = 'Retour au blog'

◆ trads [30/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comments_title'] = 'Les %s commentaires : '

◆ trads [31/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_title'] = 'Le commentaire : '

◆ trads [32/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_nocomment_title'] = 'Aucun commentaire pour le moment'

◆ trads [33/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_headerfull'] = 'Message post&eacute; par <a href="%3$s" target="_blank" class="%4$s">%1$s</a>, le %2$s : '

◆ trads [34/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_headerlight'] = 'Message post&eacute; par %1$s, le %2$s : '

◆ trads [35/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_add'] = 'Ajouter votre commentaire : '

◆ trads [36/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_mandatory'] = ' (obligatoire)'

◆ trads [37/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_yourname'] = 'Votre nom : '

◆ trads [38/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_youremail'] = 'Votre e-mail : '

◆ trads [39/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_yourwebsite'] = 'Site Web : '

◆ trads [40/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_yourcommtitle'] = 'Titre : '

◆ trads [41/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_send'] = 'Envoyer mon commentaire'

◆ trads [42/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_saved'] = 'Votre commentaire a &eacute;t&eacute; enregistr&eacute;.'

◆ trads [43/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_comment_savedneedvalidation'] = 'Un administrateur validera votre message, il apparaitra alors sur le site.'

◆ trads [44/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_nocomment'] = 'Soyez le premier &agrave; ajouter un commentaire!'

◆ trads [45/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_1comment'] = 'Lire le commentaire.'

◆ trads [46/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_xcomments'] = 'Lire les %s commentaires.'

◆ trads [47/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_published_by_into'] = 'Publi&eacute; par %s dans %s.'

◆ trads [48/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_published_by'] = 'Publi&eacute; par %s'

◆ trads [49/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_published_into'] = 'Publi&eacute; into %s'

◆ trads [50/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_currentpage'] = 'Page %s'

◆ trads [51/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_nextpage'] = 'R&eacute;centes &gt;&gt;'

◆ trads [52/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_previouspage'] = '&lt;&lt; Archives'

◆ trads [53/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_site_shareon'] = 'Partager sur :&nbsp;'

◆ trads [54/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_panel_authors'] = 'Par auteurs : '

◆ trads [55/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_panel_tags'] = 'Par tags : '

◆ trads [56/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_panel_links'] = 'Les liens : '

◆ trads [57/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_rss_title0'] = 'Blog de %1$s'

◆ trads [58/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_rss_title1'] = 'Blog de %2$s sur %1$s'

◆ trads [59/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_rss_titlex'] = 'Blog de %1$s'

◆ trads [60/60]

$this trads[ 'mod_content_genericblogsviewer_rss_description'] = '%s en RSS'