CaMykS  1.0-20231201
Variables File Reference


$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_title'] = 'Vérificateur de thème'
 Admin_ThemeChecker Input french dictionnary. More...
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_desc'] = 'Permet de vérifier les thèmes'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_tabitems'] = 'Eléments graphiques'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_tabpicts'] = 'Pictos'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_tabdemo'] = 'Exemples'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_check_informations'] = 'Informations'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_check_content'] = 'Fichiers'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_present'] = 'Présent'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_missing'] = 'Manquant'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_bar'] = 'Barre'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_barleft'] = 'Partie gauche'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_barright'] = 'Partie droite'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_barbutton'] = 'Bouton'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_baritem'] = 'Objet'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_box'] = 'Boite'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxheader'] = 'En-tête de boite'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtitlebar'] = 'Barre de titre'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtabsbarheader'] = 'En-tête de barre d\'onglets'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtab'] = 'Onglet'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtabselected'] = 'Onglet sélectionné'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtabcssstandart'] = 'Style de l\'onglet'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtabcssselected'] = 'Style de l\'onglet sélectionné'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtabcssrollover'] = 'Style de l\'onglet en survol de souris'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtabsbarfooter'] = 'Pied de barre d\'onglet'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxbuttonsbarheader'] = 'En-tête de barre de boutons'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxbuttonwithlink'] = 'Bouton sans lien'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxbuttonwithoutlink'] = 'Bouton avec lien'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxbuttonsbarfooter'] = 'Pied de barre de boutons'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxcontent1header'] = 'En-tête de contenu de type 1'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxcontent1footer'] = 'Pied de contenu de type 1'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxcontent2header'] = 'En-tête de contenu de type 2'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxcontent2footer'] = 'Pied de contenu de type 2'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxfooter'] = 'Pied de boite'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_button'] = 'Bouton'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_layeredmenu'] = 'Menu "Popup"'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_layeredmenuheader'] = 'En-tête'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_layeredmenuseparator'] = 'Ligne séparatrice'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_layeredmenunolinkitem'] = 'Ligne sans lien'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_layeredmenulinkitem'] = 'Ligne avec lien'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_item_layeredmenufooter'] = 'Pied'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_pict_pos_std'] = 'Normal'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_pict_pos_ovr'] = 'Survol'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_pict_size'] = 'Taille %s pixels'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_demo_tab'] = 'Onglet %s '
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_demo_button'] = 'Bouton %s '
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_demo_tabcontenttext'] = 'Texte de démonstration pour l\'onglet %s'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_demo_globalcontenttext'] = 'Texte de démonstration'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_demo_layeredmenu_line'] = 'Ligne de menu'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_demo_layeredmenu_nolink'] = 'Ligne sans lien'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_demo_layeredmenu_noicon'] = 'Ligne sans icône'
$this trads ['mod_admin_themechecker_demo_uncomplete'] = 'Elément incomplet'

Variable Documentation

◆ trads [1/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_title'] = 'Vérificateur de thème'

Admin_ThemeChecker Input french dictionnary.

Plugin / Input Dictionnary

CaMykS Team
Creation: Jul 2007
Modification: Jan 2021
This program is distributed as is - WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

◆ trads [2/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_desc'] = 'Permet de vérifier les thèmes'

◆ trads [3/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_tabitems'] = 'Eléments graphiques'

◆ trads [4/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_tabpicts'] = 'Pictos'

◆ trads [5/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_tabdemo'] = 'Exemples'

◆ trads [6/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_check_informations'] = 'Informations'

◆ trads [7/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_check_content'] = 'Fichiers'

◆ trads [8/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_present'] = 'Présent'

◆ trads [9/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_missing'] = 'Manquant'

◆ trads [10/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_bar'] = 'Barre'

◆ trads [11/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_barleft'] = 'Partie gauche'

◆ trads [12/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_barright'] = 'Partie droite'

◆ trads [13/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_barbutton'] = 'Bouton'

◆ trads [14/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_baritem'] = 'Objet'

◆ trads [15/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_box'] = 'Boite'

◆ trads [16/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxheader'] = 'En-tête de boite'

◆ trads [17/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtitlebar'] = 'Barre de titre'

◆ trads [18/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtabsbarheader'] = 'En-tête de barre d\'onglets'

◆ trads [19/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtab'] = 'Onglet'

◆ trads [20/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtabselected'] = 'Onglet sélectionné'

◆ trads [21/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtabcssstandart'] = 'Style de l\'onglet'

◆ trads [22/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtabcssselected'] = 'Style de l\'onglet sélectionné'

◆ trads [23/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtabcssrollover'] = 'Style de l\'onglet en survol de souris'

◆ trads [24/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxtabsbarfooter'] = 'Pied de barre d\'onglet'

◆ trads [25/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxbuttonsbarheader'] = 'En-tête de barre de boutons'

◆ trads [26/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxbuttonwithlink'] = 'Bouton sans lien'

◆ trads [27/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxbuttonwithoutlink'] = 'Bouton avec lien'

◆ trads [28/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxbuttonsbarfooter'] = 'Pied de barre de boutons'

◆ trads [29/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxcontent1header'] = 'En-tête de contenu de type 1'

◆ trads [30/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxcontent1footer'] = 'Pied de contenu de type 1'

◆ trads [31/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxcontent2header'] = 'En-tête de contenu de type 2'

◆ trads [32/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxcontent2footer'] = 'Pied de contenu de type 2'

◆ trads [33/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_boxfooter'] = 'Pied de boite'

◆ trads [34/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_button'] = 'Bouton'

◆ trads [35/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_layeredmenu'] = 'Menu "Popup"'

◆ trads [36/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_layeredmenuheader'] = 'En-tête'

◆ trads [37/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_layeredmenuseparator'] = 'Ligne séparatrice'

◆ trads [38/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_layeredmenunolinkitem'] = 'Ligne sans lien'

◆ trads [39/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_layeredmenulinkitem'] = 'Ligne avec lien'

◆ trads [40/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_item_layeredmenufooter'] = 'Pied'

◆ trads [41/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_pict_pos_std'] = 'Normal'

◆ trads [42/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_pict_pos_ovr'] = 'Survol'

◆ trads [43/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_pict_size'] = 'Taille %s pixels'

◆ trads [44/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_demo_tab'] = 'Onglet %s '

◆ trads [45/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_demo_button'] = 'Bouton %s '

◆ trads [46/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_demo_tabcontenttext'] = 'Texte de démonstration pour l\'onglet %s'

◆ trads [47/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_demo_globalcontenttext'] = 'Texte de démonstration'

◆ trads [48/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_demo_layeredmenu_line'] = 'Ligne de menu'

◆ trads [49/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_demo_layeredmenu_nolink'] = 'Ligne sans lien'

◆ trads [50/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_demo_layeredmenu_noicon'] = 'Ligne sans icône'

◆ trads [51/51]

$this trads[ 'mod_admin_themechecker_demo_uncomplete'] = 'Elément incomplet'