Variables | |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_title'] = 'My account' |
Admin_MyAccount Module english dictionary. More... | |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_desc'] = 'Edit your account' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_savedone'] = 'Saving your account...' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_savefailed'] = 'An error occurred while saving your account.' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_configure_2fa'] = 'Configure 2-factor authentication' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_reset_2fa'] = 'Reset 2-factor authentication' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_formitem_2faauthentication'] = '2-factor authentication: ' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_formitem_changepwd'] = 'Change your password : ' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_2faauthentication'] = '2-factor authentication' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_erroremptymail'] = 'The email cannot be empty.' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_errorbadmail'] = 'The email must be valid.' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_erroremptypwd'] = 'Password cannot be empty' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_errorshortpwd'] = 'Password must be longer than 3 caracters.' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_errorconfpwd'] = 'Password must be confirmed.' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_error_no2faplugindefined'] = 'No plugin defined for 2-factor authentication.' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_error_2fapluginnomoreavailable'] = 'Plugin defined for 2-factor authentication is no more available.' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_2faconfigurationupdated'] = 'Configuration for 2-factor authentication done.' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_2faconfigurationnotupdated'] = 'An error has occured while saving configuration for 2-factor authentication.' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_2faconfigurationnotconfirmed'] = 'An error has occured while configuring 2-factor authentication.' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_2faconfigurationreset'] = 'Configuration for 2-factor authentication reset.' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_2faconfigurationnotreset'] = 'An error has occured while reseting configuration for 2-factor authentication' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_2fastatus_unavailable'] = 'Unavailable' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_2fastatus_configured'] = 'Configured' |
$this | trads ['mod_admin_myaccount_2fastatus_notconfigured'] = 'Not configured' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_title'] = 'My account' |
Admin_MyAccount Module english dictionary.
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_desc'] = 'Edit your account' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_savedone'] = 'Saving your account...' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_savefailed'] = 'An error occurred while saving your account.' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_configure_2fa'] = 'Configure 2-factor authentication' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_reset_2fa'] = 'Reset 2-factor authentication' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_formitem_2faauthentication'] = '2-factor authentication: ' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_formitem_changepwd'] = 'Change your password : ' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_2faauthentication'] = '2-factor authentication' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_erroremptymail'] = 'The email cannot be empty.' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_errorbadmail'] = 'The email must be valid.' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_erroremptypwd'] = 'Password cannot be empty' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_errorshortpwd'] = 'Password must be longer than 3 caracters.' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_errorconfpwd'] = 'Password must be confirmed.' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_error_no2faplugindefined'] = 'No plugin defined for 2-factor authentication.' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_error_2fapluginnomoreavailable'] = 'Plugin defined for 2-factor authentication is no more available.' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_2faconfigurationupdated'] = 'Configuration for 2-factor authentication done.' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_2faconfigurationnotupdated'] = 'An error has occured while saving configuration for 2-factor authentication.' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_2faconfigurationnotconfirmed'] = 'An error has occured while configuring 2-factor authentication.' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_2faconfigurationreset'] = 'Configuration for 2-factor authentication reset.' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_2faconfigurationnotreset'] = 'An error has occured while reseting configuration for 2-factor authentication' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_2fastatus_unavailable'] = 'Unavailable' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_2fastatus_configured'] = 'Configured' |
$this trads[ 'mod_admin_myaccount_2fastatus_notconfigured'] = 'Not configured' |