Variables | |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_runningmode_test'] = 'Test' |
StripePayment Input english dictionnary. More... | |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_runningmode_production'] = 'Production' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_formtitle_operation'] = 'Operation' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_formitem_runningmode'] = 'Operation mode : ' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_formtitle_authentication_test'] = 'Authentication - Test mode' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_formtitle_authentication_production'] = 'Authentication - Production mode' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_formitem_apikey_public'] = 'Public API key: ' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_formitem_apikey_private'] = 'Private API key: ' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_formitem_displaytestcard'] = 'Display test information: ' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_action_pay'] = 'Pay' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_message_payment_completed'] = 'Payment completed' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_testmode_title'] = 'Stripe is operating in test mode' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_testmode_desc'] = 'No real payment will be registered.' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_testmode_fakecardnumbers'] = '<strong>Test card:</strong> 4242 4242 4242 4242' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_testmode_fakecarddate'] = '<strong>Expiration:</strong> any date in futur' |
$this | trads ['input_stripepayment_testmode_fakecardccv'] = '<strong>Code:</strong> any 3-numbers code' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_runningmode_test'] = 'Test' |
StripePayment Input english dictionnary.
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_runningmode_production'] = 'Production' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_formtitle_operation'] = 'Operation' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_formitem_runningmode'] = 'Operation mode : ' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_formtitle_authentication_test'] = 'Authentication - Test mode' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_formtitle_authentication_production'] = 'Authentication - Production mode' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_formitem_apikey_public'] = 'Public API key: ' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_formitem_apikey_private'] = 'Private API key: ' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_formitem_displaytestcard'] = 'Display test information: ' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_action_pay'] = 'Pay' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_message_payment_completed'] = 'Payment completed' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_testmode_title'] = 'Stripe is operating in test mode' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_testmode_desc'] = 'No real payment will be registered.' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_testmode_fakecardnumbers'] = '<strong>Test card:</strong> 4242 4242 4242 4242' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_testmode_fakecarddate'] = '<strong>Expiration:</strong> any date in futur' |
$this trads[ 'input_stripepayment_testmode_fakecardccv'] = '<strong>Code:</strong> any 3-numbers code' |