CaMykS  1.0-20231201
Variables File Reference


$this trads ['input_spamchecker_enablelogs_withoutdetails'] = 'Oui, sans détails'
 SpamChecker Input french dictionary. More...
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_enablelogs_withdetails'] = 'Oui, avec détails'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formtitle_params'] = 'Paramètres'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_enablelogs'] = 'Journaliser : '
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_autobanipaddresses'] = 'Ban auto. des adresses IP : '
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formtitle_spamscores'] = 'Scores des spams'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formdesc_spamscores'] = 'La valeur à indiquer est le score à atteindre pour qu\'un message soit retourné comme spam'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_markedasspamfrom'] = 'Avéré : '
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_markedasprobablyspamfrom'] = 'Probable : '
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_enable'] = 'Activer'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_score'] = 'Score'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formtitle_metadatarules'] = 'Règles sur les méta-données du message'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checksimilarnames'] = 'Présence de nom et prénom similaires'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checkemail'] = 'L\'adresses e-mail contient'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checkcompany'] = 'Le nom des sociétés contient'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formtitle_contentrules'] = 'Règles sur le contenu du message'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checkhtml'] = 'Présence de HTML'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checkjavascript'] = 'Présence de Javascript'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checkword'] = 'Présence de certains mots'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checklanguagescript'] = 'Présence de scripts de langages'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checklink'] = 'Présence de liens'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checkeachlink'] = 'Par lien trouvé'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checksinglelink'] = 'Le message est uniquement un lien'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formtitle_originrules'] = 'Règles sur les origines du message'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checkcountry'] = 'Pays d\'origine'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checkcountrydesc'] = 'Basé sur l\'adresse IP, nécessite le plugin IPGeolocator.'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_formitem_checkhostname'] = 'Nom d\'hôte'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_nocountry'] = 'Aucun'
$this trads ['input_spamchecker_nolanguagescript'] = 'Aucun'

Variable Documentation

◆ trads [1/29]

$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_enablelogs_withoutdetails'] = 'Oui, sans détails'

SpamChecker Input french dictionary.

Plugin / Input Dictionary

CaMykS Team
Creation: Jun 2021
Modification: Jun 2021
This program is distributed as is - WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

◆ trads [2/29]

$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_enablelogs_withdetails'] = 'Oui, avec détails'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formtitle_params'] = 'Paramètres'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_enablelogs'] = 'Journaliser : '

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_autobanipaddresses'] = 'Ban auto. des adresses IP : '

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formtitle_spamscores'] = 'Scores des spams'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formdesc_spamscores'] = 'La valeur à indiquer est le score à atteindre pour qu\'un message soit retourné comme spam'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_markedasspamfrom'] = 'Avéré : '

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_markedasprobablyspamfrom'] = 'Probable : '

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_enable'] = 'Activer'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_score'] = 'Score'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formtitle_metadatarules'] = 'Règles sur les méta-données du message'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checksimilarnames'] = 'Présence de nom et prénom similaires'

◆ trads [14/29]

$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checkemail'] = 'L\'adresses e-mail contient'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checkcompany'] = 'Le nom des sociétés contient'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formtitle_contentrules'] = 'Règles sur le contenu du message'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checkhtml'] = 'Présence de HTML'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checkjavascript'] = 'Présence de Javascript'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checkword'] = 'Présence de certains mots'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checklanguagescript'] = 'Présence de scripts de langages'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checklink'] = 'Présence de liens'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checkeachlink'] = 'Par lien trouvé'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checksinglelink'] = 'Le message est uniquement un lien'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formtitle_originrules'] = 'Règles sur les origines du message'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checkcountry'] = 'Pays d\'origine'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checkcountrydesc'] = 'Basé sur l\'adresse IP, nécessite le plugin IPGeolocator.'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_formitem_checkhostname'] = 'Nom d\'hôte'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_nocountry'] = 'Aucun'

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$this trads[ 'input_spamchecker_nolanguagescript'] = 'Aucun'