Cryptographer french dictionnary.
$this | trads ['cryptographer_error_none'] = 'Aucune erreur.' |
$this | trads ['cryptographer_error_unknownengine'] = 'Moteur d\'encryption inconnu.' |
$this | trads ['cryptographer_error_enginenotavailable'] = 'Moteur d\'encryption indisponible.' |
$this | trads ['cryptographer_error_unknowncipher'] = 'Méthode de chiffrement inconnue.' |
$this | trads ['cryptographer_error_keyisempty'] = 'Clé de chiffrement vide.' |
$this | trads ['cryptographer_error_ivisempty'] = 'Vecteur d\'initialisation vide.' |
$this | trads ['cryptographer_error_alteredmessage'] = 'Le message a été altéré et ne peut être retrouvé.' |
$this | trads ['cryptographer_error_unknownmcryptmode'] = 'Mode de chiffrement inconnu.' |
$this | trads ['cryptographer_error_unknownerror'] = 'Erreur inconnue.' |
Cryptographer french dictionnary.
Engine / Dictionnary
- Author
- CaMykS Team
- Version
- 1.0
- Date
- Creation: Apr 2019
Modification: Apr 2019
- Copyright
- 2019 CaMykS Team
- Note
- This program is distributed as is - WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
◆ trads [1/9]
$this trads[ 'cryptographer_error_none'] = 'Aucune erreur.' |
◆ trads [2/9]
$this trads[ 'cryptographer_error_unknownengine'] = 'Moteur d\'encryption inconnu.' |
◆ trads [3/9]
$this trads[ 'cryptographer_error_enginenotavailable'] = 'Moteur d\'encryption indisponible.' |
◆ trads [4/9]
$this trads[ 'cryptographer_error_unknowncipher'] = 'Méthode de chiffrement inconnue.' |
◆ trads [5/9]
$this trads[ 'cryptographer_error_keyisempty'] = 'Clé de chiffrement vide.' |
◆ trads [6/9]
$this trads[ 'cryptographer_error_ivisempty'] = 'Vecteur d\'initialisation vide.' |
◆ trads [7/9]
◆ trads [8/9]
$this trads[ 'cryptographer_error_unknownmcryptmode'] = 'Mode de chiffrement inconnu.' |
◆ trads [9/9]
$this trads[ 'cryptographer_error_unknownerror'] = 'Erreur inconnue.' |