CaMykS  1.0-20231201
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Variables File Reference

GreyStyle Theme parts. More...


$this parts ['barLeft']
$this parts ['barRight']
$this parts ['barButton']
$this parts ['barItem']
$this parts ['boxHeader']
$this parts ['boxTitleBar']
$this parts ['boxTabsBarHeader']
$this parts ['boxTab']
$this parts ['boxTabSelected']
$this parts ['boxTabCSSStandart'] = 'greystyleBoxTab'
$this parts ['boxTabCSSSelected'] = 'greystyleBoxTabS'
$this parts ['boxTabCSSRollover'] = 'greystyleBoxTabO'
$this parts ['boxTabsBarFooter']
$this parts ['boxButtonsBarHeader']
$this parts ['boxButtonWithLink']
$this parts ['boxButtonWithoutLink']
$this parts ['boxButtonsBarFooter']
$this parts ['boxOpenContentHeader']
$this parts ['boxOpenContentFooter']
$this parts ['boxContent1Header']
$this parts ['boxContent1Footer']
$this parts ['boxContent2Header']
$this parts ['boxContent2Footer']
$this parts ['boxFooter']
$this parts ['lightBoxHeader']
$this parts ['lightBoxFooter']
$this parts ['button']
$this parts ['layeredMenuHeader']
$this parts ['layeredMenuSeparator']
$this parts ['layeredMenuNoLinkItem']
$this parts ['layeredMenuLinkItem']
$this parts ['layeredMenuFooter']

Detailed Description

GreyStyle Theme parts.

Plugin / Theme Parts

CaMykS Team
Creation: Jun 2005
Modification: Aug 2018
This program is distributed as is - WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Variable Documentation

◆ parts [1/32]

$this parts[ 'barLeft']
Initial value:
= '
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="%s">
<tr><td class="greystyleBarLeft">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="greystyleBarCenter">

◆ parts [2/32]

$this parts[ 'barRight']
Initial value:
= '
<td class="greystyleBarRight">&nbsp;</td></tr>

◆ parts [3/32]

$this parts[ 'barButton']
Initial value:
= '
<div id="%s" class="greystyleBarButton"
<a href="%s" class="greystyleBarButton">

◆ parts [4/32]

$this parts[ 'barItem']
Initial value:
= '
<div id="%s" class="greystyleBarButtonOver">

◆ parts [5/32]

$this parts[ 'boxHeader']
Initial value:
= '
<table id="%2$s" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="greystyleBox %3$s" style="%1$s">

◆ parts [6/32]

$this parts[ 'boxTitleBar']
Initial value:
= '
<td class="greystyleBoxTitleBarLine">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="greystyleBoxTitleBar">
<td class="greystyleBoxTitleBar">

◆ parts [7/32]

$this parts[ 'boxTabsBarHeader']
Initial value:
= '
<td class="greystyleBoxTabsBarLine">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="greystyleBoxTabsBarLine">
<td class="greystyleBoxTabsBar">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="greystyleBoxTabsBar">

◆ parts [8/32]

$this parts[ 'boxTab']
Initial value:
= '
<td id="tab%s" class="greystyleBoxTab" onclick="%s" onmouseover="%s" onmouseout="%s">%s</td>'

◆ parts [9/32]

$this parts[ 'boxTabSelected']
Initial value:
= '
<td id="tab%s" class="greystyleBoxTabS" onclick="%s" onmouseover="%s" onmouseout="%s">%s</td>'

◆ parts [10/32]

$this parts[ 'boxTabCSSStandart'] = 'greystyleBoxTab'

◆ parts [11/32]

$this parts[ 'boxTabCSSSelected'] = 'greystyleBoxTabS'

◆ parts [12/32]

$this parts[ 'boxTabCSSRollover'] = 'greystyleBoxTabO'

◆ parts [13/32]

$this parts[ 'boxTabsBarFooter']
Initial value:
= '

◆ parts [14/32]

$this parts[ 'boxButtonsBarHeader']
Initial value:
= '
<td class="greystyleBoxButtonsBarLine">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="greystyleBoxButtonsBar">

◆ parts [15/32]

$this parts[ 'boxButtonWithLink']
Initial value:
= '
<td class="greystyleBoxButton" style="%5$s" align="center"><a style="%1$s" href="%2$s" class="greystyleBoxButton" %4$s>%3$s</a></td>'

◆ parts [16/32]

$this parts[ 'boxButtonWithoutLink']
Initial value:
= '
<td class="greystyleBoxButton" style="%3$s" align="center" %4$s>%2$s</td>'

◆ parts [17/32]

$this parts[ 'boxButtonsBarFooter']
Initial value:
= '

◆ parts [18/32]

$this parts[ 'boxOpenContentHeader']
Initial value:
= '
<td class="greystyleBoxOpenContentLine" style="%s">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="greystyleBoxOpenContent">
<td class="greystyleBoxOpenContent" valign="top">'

◆ parts [19/32]

$this parts[ 'boxOpenContentFooter']
Initial value:
= '

◆ parts [20/32]

$this parts[ 'boxContent1Header']
Initial value:
= '
<td class="greystyleBoxContent1" style="%s">

◆ parts [21/32]

$this parts[ 'boxContent1Footer']
Initial value:
= '

◆ parts [22/32]

$this parts[ 'boxContent2Header']
Initial value:
= '
<td class="greystyleBoxContent2Line" style="%s">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="greystyleBoxContent2">
<td class="greystyleBoxContent2" valign="top">'

◆ parts [23/32]

$this parts[ 'boxContent2Footer']
Initial value:
= '

◆ parts [24/32]

$this parts[ 'boxFooter']
Initial value:
= '

◆ parts [25/32]

$this parts[ 'lightBoxHeader']
Initial value:
= '
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="%s">'

◆ parts [26/32]

$this parts[ 'lightBoxFooter']
Initial value:
= '

◆ parts [27/32]

$this parts[ 'button']
Initial value:
= '
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="greystyleButtonOuterBox" style="%s">
<div class="greystyleButtonInnerBox">
<a href="%s" class="greystyleButton">

◆ parts [28/32]

$this parts[ 'layeredMenuHeader']
Initial value:
= '
<div id="%1$s" class="greystyleLayeredMenuHeader"

◆ parts [29/32]

$this parts[ 'layeredMenuSeparator']
Initial value:
= '
<div class="greystyleLayeredMenuSeparator">

◆ parts [30/32]

$this parts[ 'layeredMenuNoLinkItem']
Initial value:
= '
<div id="%1$s" class="greystyleLayeredMenuItem">

◆ parts [31/32]

$this parts[ 'layeredMenuLinkItem']
Initial value:
= '
<a id="%1$s" href="%3$s" class="greystyleLayeredMenuItem"%4$s>

◆ parts [32/32]

$this parts[ 'layeredMenuFooter']
Initial value:
= '