CaMykS is a CMS ("Content Management System"). More precisely, it's a tool used to build then manage and update a website. This is done online through a compatible web browser.
CaMykS is made to be the more flexible and ergonomic as possible into the two main steps of the lifetime of a website - building and managing.
CaMykS have several features that makes it powerful. It is multi-site, multilingual, collaborative and plugin-based to allow easy customisation. Management interface ergonomics has been a key-point during development. CaMykS is using the latest technologies such as Wysiwyg edition, RSS feeds, AJAX and many more.
CaMykS is working on LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP) or MAMP (Mac OS X/Apache/MySQL/PHP) systems.
We advise to suit the following versions:
SQLite3 and PostgreSQL drivers are currently available in beta. They are working but incomplete, and may have some issues we haven't found yet. Feel free to share your experience, and help us to finalise them.
Duplicate and rename the skeleton_site
folder located in engine folder to the root base of your web server.
For a single-site installation, move CaMykS folder into the website folder.
configuration file located in the etc folder.
Open index.php
or admin.php
from your web browser to finalise your website installation.
`` docker build -t camyks:latest . ``
`` docker run -h camyks –name camyks -p 8081:80 -it camyks:latest ``
And if you want to login to the container to look around
`` docker exec -it camyks /bin/bash ``
CaMykS is available under GNU GPL licence.
CaMykS is now maintained and hosted by Ideogram Design
You can contact us using :
Thanks to Fanny, Frank and Ludo for their help and support.